TF Guy: Er... Good morning, could i speak to Mr Chew please?
Me: Yes, this is Mr Chew speaking, how may I help you?
TF Guy: Er.. Mr Chew, from our records it shows that you membership with us is due to expire
at the end of next month.
Me: Yeah so...
TF Guy: We've got some promotional packages which we think you are well suited for.
Me: How much does this cost me? And do I have to sign up for another 2 years?
TF Guy: Why don't you just give a call before you come for you next workout, we can discuss this further. My name's Larry and I can be contacted at 012-xxxxxxx
Me: Ok, thanks.
Obviously, they are now in a mega-marketing mode as they can leverage on the opening of their latest gym at Jaya33 in Petaling Jaya, supposed to be the largest True Fitness gym in Malaysia and even comes with a 30 metre swimming pool. Before all the launch hype and knowing certain other factors, I was ever so gung ho to continue and perhaps pay a couple of extra bucks per month to enjoy their 'passport' facility, however that is now not enough to tempt me to continue my membership with them.
Especially more so, with my favourite RPM instructor (nut you know who you are :D) leaving the TF establishment at the end of this month sort of made the decision a wee bit easier for me. After all, whilst TF is considered newer, it's Fitness First has been around longer and has more gyms in Malaysia and the rest of the world, something not to be sneezed at..
Now, just need to unfreeze my membership there and all's set. After the recent 1 month hiatus from the gym due to a bronchitis attack, I've been working extra hard to ensure that I loose the 'gains' during the period of inactivity. Though not much, makes me feel a bit pudgy and built up more muscle mass and tone up further.. Irony of this all was that just before the down time, I was getting into the swing of things and looking rather buffed if I may say so myself. First day of going back to the gym, I could hardly lift the weights that I had trained at and had to start 'small weights' again... So embarassing... Oh well, salut and a toast to the future, with a hope that by December we shall see improvements to myself.
Well, the start of another is just beginning people.. Make the most of your day and have a great one!
Welcome back to FF then I suppose ;)
:sniff: the first comment
I guess that's the indication nut...
Indication of what?
Everyone has to start somewhere la.
Life Liberty started with zero comments as well, afterall. Took a year to get to where it is now. Patience and perseverance, my dear padawan :P
ok, i am the second! did i make your day, boonster? * wrink wrink
carebear/nut: thanks... me such a drama king... :p
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