Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hello's and Goodbye's

I guess it's now the season of moving on... on to new jobs and better prospects too as one should hope for. Out of the group of friends that I usually chill with, at least three have moved on to greener pastures and another two more waiting to reel in the hook to land the new job. For those that have moved on, Congratulations may your new position serve to enhance your chosen career. For those of you still looking, don't give up hope, it could just be round the corner.

I on the other hand am quite happy where I am currently, but who knows in a year or two things may change, if the promotions and increments don't come. A colleague that I work closely with has been very close to throwing in the towel.. but has been sweet-talked by all his colleagues to stay on for a while more, seems that winds of change are a-brewing.

Anyhow, one of my favourite bloggers are now on a 17 day hiatus from blogging, but I guess amongst his 'fans' money is being put on the table to see how far he can go without blogging.. As it is, he blogs on a daily basis, so he will no doubt suffer withdrawal symptoms..

Well, time for me to hit the sack, high on medication for my sore back, I'm going to have wonderful dreams in bed.... :) Good night!


Booker said...

Hi Zack...

Hope you're feeling better now.

And, permission to use your blog as the alternative to the Nut's while he's on his 17 day hiatus pls??

The Boonster said...

sure booker anytime ;)

Apandi Reviews said...

Hey sounds a bit like my life at this moment. The throwing in the towel bit...

The Boonster said...

well apandi..

I guess such issues crop up from time to time... How's the scoot going mate...