Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Blue Monday - Perhaps not??

Well, I guess this is another update to the Boonster's blog, I can already hear some of you saying finally...

After the running around a few weeks back coordinating logistics for the company's participation in the WCIT 2008 here in Kuala Lumpur, I decided to take Monday off, basically to have a bit of a lie in to catch up on lost sleep. Somehow, things don't always have a habit of working out the way you originally intended it to.

What eventually happened was that I had to make a run to the JPJ office in Wangsa Maju, as one of the cars in the family is nearly as old as I am, most of the space in the registration card had been filled. Went to the Customer Service counter and asked for assistance, since this was my first time encountering this situation... I was pleasantly surprised by the efficient-ness of the service levels there. Got the form from the friendly guy there, went upstairs to another room which does registration stuff (Folks, this is where you would go to get your new car registration numbers... while I was there, tenders were opening for WRM registrations which should hit the roads towards the end of the month.)

Waited for a short while, less than 20 minutes, for the counters in front of us to process the 20-odd people that were in front of me. Approached the counter when my turn was called, the lady was pleasant and courteous indeed. Took the old registration card along with a form and a copy of the IC, in less than 5 minutes I received the brand spanking new registration card. The bonus here is that I need not go back to the ground floor to get the road tax, unbeknownst to me, that can be done here as well. After the exchange of RM800, I received the roadtax for the car. I was a happy bunny ;)

Did some errands for another friend later that day. And eventually headed to the gym. I'm guilty, Your Honour... Haven't been going for classes as much as I used too. Though no complaints on the physique, I've always wanted to ensure that I don't put on the pounds that I've worked so hard to loose.

So.... In anticipation of the coming Fitness First Miracle 2008 event on 21 June 2008, me and some friends have been trying to get into shape (read previous blog entry, though that seemed to look like an eating outing :p) and it was decided on Monday that we should do a follow-up pre-event drill. Since I was at home, it only made sense for me and another friend to go to the Fitness First at Menara Manulife in Damansara Heights. First on the list was a bodypump class which was at 4:45pm. This Les Mills' programme is certainly one of my pet classes, the other two being, Body Balance and RPM. I've had some tough classes in my time with the gym, but this one really takes the cake... Towards the end of the class after numerous sets and reps of working through the muscle groups, I was sore on my upper torso.

As if this wasn't enough, the RPM Challenge class that followed at 6:45 that evening was no better. Somewhere along the line, I feel that my stamina is not like what it used to be. Thankfully the instructor chose his track songs well, which made the hour long class pass slightly faster, without any of us asking the ubiquitous 'Are we there yet? :p' After the final stretches and cooling down, as I came off the bike I could sense that my legs were almost in a jelly-like state.

It's no better today as I can't reach for things placed on higher shelves etc and when squatting can feel the muscles tightening up. Again folks, its not a complaint, just a reminder to get in shape and to work that body into a lean, mean defined machine :D:D:D I for one certainly felt good despite the 'hard' effort put into the sessions, Bring 'em on, is what I would like to say now...

Cheerio for now folks...


Ision said...

Seems like a very complicated process to get a car over there..

Rubber Man said...

I always wonder which one is tougher
1) RPM follow with BodyPump
2) the other way round.

For me, the latter is tougher. Probably my energy has run low after pump. You know I always give 100% in BP hehehe

LeoDonHun said...

The tougher the turns of event, the greater the feeling of accomplishments at the end of the day .