Hi y'all!!
It has been a crazy period for me of late, being over-stretched both at home and at work... No joy there I can tell you that. I certainly am blessed for having close dear friends whom having been there to listen to my rants and frustrations in general.. Certainly makes me feel a whole lot better too... :D
The other reason to be happy about is that I recently rejoined Fitness First after a brief hiatus. I'm pretty pleased with the package that I'm getting too, and for the same amount of wait I paid previously, I'm now a Passport Gold member. Mighty please I must say, saves me from bringing towels along to the gym.
The one thing that I look forward to is going for the Group Exercise classes, of late I've been rather addicted to the classes and have been going almost on a daily basis... My favourites at the moment are Body Pump, Body Balance and RPM.

I just love Body Pump, keeps me feeling 'pumped' and works on the essential muscle groups that ultimately would lead to a leaner me... Yaayy... I so don't want to stay at 26% body fat. I'm slowly rediscovering the joys of Body Balance too, after attending a few classes with the new release and am totally enjoying it.. Getting me more flexible and balanced at the same time. RPM, my old favourite... Always wondered what it mean till one day, my 'nutty' friend explained that it's short for Raw Power in Motion... Raw power indeed... It's a given that I always work up a 'tidal' wave of sweat everytime I go for his class. Other RPM instructors don't seem to have as much of that effect on me, wonder why... Also one of the reasons behind my switch back to Fitness First. I had initially struggled with the new RPM release, a couple of occasions I couldn't even finish the class, but after going through several lessons over the past couple of months, I finally nailed the track down..
Tried out Body Jam last night... My first attempt so I didn't really get into it much, just following the moves of the class. Nick, one of the instructors at SPK commented that I did fairly well for a first-timer.. I was a bit embarassed as I missed several moves through the class. Felt like putting a paper bag over my head and just running out :P At least I had a good time throughout the class... Like I was in a disco or something like that, only much more healthier without the smoke or drinks being served :)
As I get more seasoned with the new gym surroundings, I'm also getting more interested in other GX classes.. Let's see what happens further down the road...
Thanks for supporting my BODYPUMP debut launch and also been attending BODYBALACE! It has been a pleasure~
Boy we really rock the party last nite @ SPK - drenched in sweat hey.... let's do it again! :D :D
Will certainly do that Nick!
Great fun... Next time I;ll also do the yoga class.. :D
OIIIIII how come no bodycombat ar???
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